Titans Season 2
This dirty interpretation of the "High schooler Titans" establishment follows youthful saints from over the DC Astoundingly old enough and find where they have a place. Dick Grayson and Rachel Roth, an exceptional young lady controlled by an odd haziness, engage in a connivance that could welcome Hell on Earth. Hot-headed Starfire and adorable Beast Boy go along with them en route as together they become a substitute family and group of legends battling fiendish.
First scene date: October 12, 2018
Branch off: Doom Patrol
Kinds: Action fiction, Adventure fiction, Science Fiction, Superhero fiction, Drama
Authors: Clint Mansell, Kevin Kiner
First scene date: October 12, 2018
Branch off: Doom Patrol
Kinds: Action fiction, Adventure fiction, Science Fiction, Superhero fiction, Drama
Authors: Clint Mansell, Kevin Kiner

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